The master’s degree of Technical and Vocational Study Program (S2) was established on 8 June 2005 based on the letter No. 3040/J33/PP.03.02/2005. The study program was then accredited by the national board of accrediation (BAN-PT) and got an A in accordance with the letter no. 5197/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/XII/2017.

To be a leading and outstanding study program and get international recognition in technical and vocation.

1. To have master’s degree of technical and vocational education with high academic atmosphere, create graduates with good concept mastery and broad knowledge, good characters, and high competitiveness level both in national and international scopes.
2. To have good quality applied research in technical and vocational education focusing on either national and international publication.
3. To create research-based community services in technical and vocational education giving real contribution to the society.
4. To conduct academic activities involving partnership networking with educational and training institutions, research, industrial and professional associations, and other scientific society both in national and international levels.
Asian Practice Exchange through Lesson Study
Director of the Graduate School of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Prof. Dr. H. Syihabuddin, M. Pd., hopes that teachers can learn many lessons from the
TVE Lecturer’s Local Wisdom-Based Curriculum Model Book Has Been Published
TVE lecturer’s local wisdom-based curriculum model book has been published at UPI Pres
Even Semester TVE S2 / S3 Student Admission Has Opened
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