To create doctors of technical and vocational education who are able to:
- Manifest a variety of theories, concepts, and principles of quality management, human resource development, career guidance, implementation of ICT, and curriculum development in technical and vocational education;
- Synthesize a variety of approaches, models, strategies, methods, techniques, and learning media in technical and vocational education to improve quality and learning outcome to optimize students’ potential;
- Develop a variety of theories, concepts, and principles of learning in innovative and scientifically-proven technical and vocational education through research promoting academic principles and ethics;
- Analyze and synthesize issues in technical and vocational education and formulate the solutions through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches;
- Show a responsibility in problem solving within the society and relevant industry through an ability of academic validation or studies in technical vocational education;
- Conduct and organize research to result in innovative and scientifically-proven learning approaches, models, and methods in technical and vocational education; and
- Publish ideas and research results in technical and vocational education for significant contribution of science and technology within the society through scientific publications based on academic principles and ethics.
Researcher | Researchers in technical and vocational education who are able to publish their works in regional, national, and international levels. |
Professional educator | Professional educators in technical and vocational education who have skills of professional teachers. |
S | Showing scientific, educational, and religious behaviors contributing to the enhancement of the society based on academic ethics and norms. |
P1 | Mastering the philosophy of theory in the field of technical and vocational education. |
P2 | Mastering the philosophy of approaches, models, methods, media and evaluation of technical and vocational learning. |
P3 | Mastering the philosophy of linkage between the education and industry areas in the context of technical and vocational education. |
P4 | Mastering the philosophy of quality assurance methods in the field of technical and vocational education. |
KU1 | Being able to discover or develop new scientific theories/conceptions/ideas and contributing to the development, practice of science, technology, art, and application of humanities values in their fields of expertise through scientific research based on research roadmaps with interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approaches. |
KU2 | Having the ability to develop and publishing logical, critical, systematic, and creative thoughts through scientific research and design creation, and artworks through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches concerning with humanity values in accordance with their own fields of expertise. |
KK1 | Being able to solve problems in the field of technical and vocational education by utilizing other fields of science in an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary manner, as well as by taking into account economic factors, public health and safety, cultural, social and environmental sustainability. |
KK2 | Being able to improve knowledge in technical and vocational education giving original and scientifically-proven contribution through research promoting interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches. |
KK3 | Being able to criticize and provide input for improvement from the point of view of the field of technical and vocational education on problem solving policies that have been and or are being implemented, in the form of scientific working papers. |
KK4 | Developing science and technology through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in the field of technical and vocational education. |
KK5 | Developing science, technology, and arts, in the field of technical and vocational education as well as its professional practice through research in order to create innovative and scientifically-proven works. |
The learning process in the technical and vocational education doctoral program is more focused on mastering the scientific philosophy of vocational technical education and engineering. Students are expected to be able to develop critical thinking to the level of analysis and synthesis. Practically, the lecturer guides the discussion process in class using a case-method approach, brings up global issues in TVET that need to be criticized by students and of course the solutions offered by students are objective and can be accounted for their scientific content quality. In the learning process, students are required to know about global TVET issues by reading a lot of references from scientific journals, book reviews, book chapters and book series. In addition, the learning process is more critical of research developments / current issues that develop in TVET science, for example discussing issues of career choice, career adaptability, leadership in TVET, gender in TVET, etc.
To measure learning achievement in the technical and vocational education (TVE) doctoral program, the forms of assessment given by lecturers are very diverse. However, the implementation of the exam is generally divided into two types, namely the mid-semester exam and the final semester examination. The types of assignments can be in the form of writing mini research papers, case studies, systematic literature reviews, and bibliometrics studies. Since the graduates of the TVE doctoral program are required to be skilled in carrying out research, the lecture assignments given are always related to their dissertation research plan. Every assignment that students do is always given feedback by the lecturer, both verbally and in written review. If students have not reached the learning target, the lecturer provides one opportunity to do remedial action. According to the academic rules applied at UPI graduate schools, students are considered to have passed the course if they have obtained a minimum final score of B.