Study Program Performance Evaluation Activities
Through Internal Quality Audit
The Technology and Vocational Education Doctoral Study Program (PTK) at the Graduate School (SPs) of the Indonesian University of Education (UPI) is committed to continuously monitoring and improving the performance of study programs. Evaluation of the performance achievements of this study program is carried out routinely every year by involving the Study Program Permanent Lecturers (DTPS). This evaluation process involves several stages which include annual routine meetings, submission of annual reports to SKM SPs UPI, and reporting on Internal Quality Audit (AMI) activities to the UPI SPM team. Evaluation of Study Program performance achievements is carried out through annual routine meetings involving DTPS lecturer meeting forums. In this meeting, DTPS lecturers will discuss and evaluate the performance achievements of the Study Program in various aspects, such as achieving learning targets, the dissertation guidance process, curriculum development, scientific publications, participation in research activities, community service, and developing cooperation with other institutions. This regular meeting provides an opportunity for DTPS lecturers to provide input, suggestions, and recommendations to improve the quality and effectiveness of study programs.
Furthermore, the annual report on the results of evaluating the performance of the Study Program is submitted to UPPS through the SKM SPs. This report must be prepared in writing and in accordance with the deadline set by the UPPS. The report includes an analysis of the study program’s performance achievements, identification of strengths and weaknesses, as well as recommendations for improvement and development. Through this annual report, UPPS can thoroughly understand the study program’s performance achievements and provide the necessary support and direction. Apart from that, the PTK Doctoral Study Program also reports the results of evaluating its performance achievements in Internal Quality Audit (AMI) activities to the UPI SPM team. AMI is one of the efforts to maintain and improve the quality of study programs. The UPI Quality Assurance Team will evaluate the study program based on various quality indicators that have been determined. This evaluation aims to ensure that the UPI PTK SPs Doctoral Study Program meets the quality standards set by the university and formulates the necessary improvement steps.
The mechanism for implementing the performance evaluation of the Study Program’s performance is regulated by the UPPS and the university as a form of commitment to maintaining quality and increasing the competitiveness of the study program. By involving various parties such as DTPS lecturer meeting forums, SPs leaders, and the UPI SPM team, evaluation of study program performance achievements can be carried out in a comprehensive manner. Through this evaluation process, the PTK SPs UPI Doctoral Study Program can continue to improve the quality of education, research, and community service it organizes, and increase its contribution to the development of science and service to the community.
The findings resulting from the internal quality audit activities are seen as valuable input in efforts to improve the quality of the PTK SPs UPI Doctoral Study Program. For this reason, these findings are discussed seriously in the lecturer meeting forum in order to formulate improvement efforts and follow-up that needs to be done. Lecturer meeting forums are the right platform to discuss findings from internal quality audits. The DTPS lecturers collectively review each finding, analyze the causes, and discuss strategies for improving aspects that need improvement. This discussion involves collaboration and shared thinking in order to achieve better results. After the lecturer meeting forum has been completed, improvement and follow-up efforts are systematically designed. The steps needed to address internal quality audit findings are defined, including system upgrades, learning process improvements, lecturer training, curriculum development, or resource optimization.
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